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Apple Tests Its AI Framework and 'Apple GPT'

Original article seen at: on July 19, 2023

175 views 7
Apple Tests Its Ai Framework And 'Apple Gpt' image courtesy


  • 🍏 Apple is developing an AI framework and chatbot.
  • πŸ”§ The technology, known as 'Ajax', is being used to build large language models.
  • πŸ—£οΈ A small team at Apple has built a chatbot, internally referred to as 'Apple GPT'.
  • 🌐 Ajax is built on Google Jax and runs on Google Cloud.
  • πŸ€” It remains unclear how this AI technology will be used in consumer-facing work.


Apple is reportedly developing an artificial intelligence (AI) framework and its own chatbot, according to Bloomberg. The technology, known as 'Ajax', is designed to unify machine learning development at Apple and is being used to build large language models similar to ChatGPT. A small team at Apple has also built a chatbot, internally referred to as 'Apple GPT'. Ajax was developed in 2022 and is built on Google Jax, running on Google Cloud. Despite Apple's silence on AI, improvements have been noted in Apple Maps, search, and Siri based on Ajax. However, it remains unclear how this AI technology will be used in consumer-facing work. Apple's approach to AI appears slower than other companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google, which are largely testing with open betas. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, has tried ChatGPT, but also warned about the issue for bias and misinformation.

starlaneai's full analysis

Apple's development of an AI framework and chatbot represents a significant step in the company's AI strategy. However, it remains unclear how this technology will be implemented in consumer-facing products. This could represent a potential challenge for Apple, as the company will need to balance the need for innovation with the potential risks associated with AI, such as bias and misinformation. Furthermore, Apple's closed ecosystem could limit the potential for collaboration with other companies or industries. Despite these challenges, Apple's developments could lead to increased investment in AI and have a moderate impact on the global AI market.

* All content on this page may be partially written by a clever AI so always double check facts, ratings and conclusions. Any opinions expressed in this analysis do not reflect the opinions of the team unless specifically stated as such.

starlaneai's Ratings & Analysis

Technical Advancement

70 The development of Ajax represents a significant technical advancement for Apple, as it allows for the creation of large language models and chatbots.

Adoption Potential

40 The adoption potential is moderate as it is unclear how this technology will be implemented in consumer-facing products.

Public Impact

60 The public impact could be high if Apple's AI technology is integrated into widely used products like Siri or Apple Maps.


50 The novelty of the technology is moderate, as similar large language models and chatbots already exist.

Article Accessibility

30 The accessibility of the information is low, as the article contains technical jargon that may be difficult for a general audience to understand.

Global Impact

40 The global impact could be moderate if Apple's AI technology is adopted worldwide.

Ethical Consideration

50 The article mentions ethical considerations, such as the potential for bias and misinformation in AI.

Collaboration Potential

30 The collaboration potential is low, as Apple is known for its closed ecosystem.

Ripple Effect

40 The ripple effect could be moderate, as advancements in AI technology could impact other sectors.

Investment Landscape

50 The AI investment landscape could be moderately affected if Apple's developments lead to increased investment in AI.

Job Roles Likely To Be Most Interested

Machine Learning Engineer
Ai Researcher
Software Developer
Ai Engineer

Article Word Cloud

Afc Ajax
Apple Inc.
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Large Language Model
Google Cloud Platform
Bloomberg L.P.
Generative Artificial Intelligence
Apple Maps
Virtual Assistant
Craig Federighi
Amazon Alexa
Google Assistant
Software Engineering
Microsoft Bing
Tim Cook
User Interface
Google Cloud
Ai Development
Google Jax
Apple Gpt
Machine Learning
John Giannandera