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21 Score

Godfather of AI calls for urgent action to stop 'catastrophic' risks

Original article seen at: on October 31, 2023

126 views 6
Godfather Of Ai Calls For Urgent Action To Stop 'Catastrophic' Risks image courtesy


  • πŸ“ AI leaders are calling for an international treaty to mitigate the potential 'catastrophic' risks of AI.
  • 🌍 The call for action is global, with signatories including China's leading AI academic, indicating potential international cooperation.
  • 🚨 Over half of AI researchers estimate a more than 10% chance that advances in machine learning could lead to human extinction.
  • πŸ”¬ Elon Musk has previously described AI as humanity's 'biggest existential threat'.


AI leaders and academics, including Turing award winner Yoshua Bengio, have signed an open letter calling for an international treaty to mitigate the potential 'catastrophic' risks of AI to humanity. The letter, signed on the eve of the AI Safety Summit, warns of the urgent need for attention to the dangers posed by AI, citing a survey that found over half of AI researchers estimate a more than 10% chance that advances in machine learning could lead to human extinction. Among the signatories is China's leading AI academic, Professor Yui Zeng, indicating China's potential willingness to cooperate on international regulation. The letter calls for global governments to respond to the risks posed by advanced AI systems, including misuse, systemic risks, and loss of control. The article also discusses Elon Musk's concerns about AI, which he has previously described as humanity's 'biggest existential threat'.

starlaneai's full analysis

The call for an international treaty to mitigate the risks of AI represents a significant development in the field. The potential for catastrophic risks, including human extinction, underscores the urgency of this issue. The involvement of China's leading AI academic indicates a potential for international cooperation, which could have far-reaching implications for AI development and regulation. However, the practical and political challenges of implementing such a treaty are significant. The potential impact on the AI investment landscape is also notable, as it could influence the direction of funding and the types of projects that receive investment. Overall, this development highlights the growing recognition of the potential risks of AI and the need for global action to mitigate these risks.

* All content on this page may be partially written by a clever AI so always double check facts, ratings and conclusions. Any opinions expressed in this analysis do not reflect the opinions of the team unless specifically stated as such.

starlaneai's Ratings & Analysis

Technical Advancement

70 The article discusses the potential catastrophic risks of AI, a topic that is technically advanced and requires a deep understanding of the field.

Adoption Potential

50 The call for an international treaty indicates a potential for widespread adoption of safety measures, but the political and practical challenges of such a treaty are significant.

Public Impact

80 The potential risks of AI, including the possibility of human extinction, have a high public impact.


60 While the risks of AI are a known topic, the call for an international treaty is a novel approach to mitigating these risks.

Article Accessibility

40 The article is moderately accessible, with some technical language that may be difficult for a general audience.

Global Impact

90 The call for an international treaty indicates a high global impact, with potential implications for AI development and regulation worldwide.

Ethical Consideration

85 The article discusses the ethical considerations of AI development, including the potential risks and the need for regulation.

Collaboration Potential

75 The call for an international treaty indicates a high potential for collaboration between countries and AI leaders.

Ripple Effect

70 The potential risks of AI have a high ripple effect, with implications for many sectors and industries.

Investment Landscape

50 The call for an international treaty could have a moderate impact on the AI investment landscape, potentially influencing the direction of funding and the types of projects that receive investment.

Job Roles Likely To Be Most Interested

Ai Researchers
Ai Policy Makers
Ai Safety Experts
Ai Governance Experts

Article Word Cloud

Yoshua Bengio
Future Of Life Institute
Summit (Meeting)
Turing Award
Open Letter
Artificial Intelligence
President Of The United States
Chief Executive Officer
Ai Safety
Boss (Video Games)
Nell (Band)
Max Tegmark
Gary Marcus
Bart Selman
Yui (Singer)
Jaan Tallinn
Centre For The Study Of Existential Risk
Atlantic Council
Human Extinction
Association For The Advancement Of Artificial Intelligence
Sam Altman
Bletchley Park
Patrick Leahy
Cognitive Science
Machine Learning
United Nations Security Council
Queen Victoria
United States Senate
Liz Truss
Rishi Sunak
Ramana (Actor)
Stephen Hawking
United States National Security Council
Alibaba Group
Xi Jinping
Elon Musk
Ray Kurzweil
Yi Zeng
Ai Safety
International Regulation
Google Deepmind
Ai Safety Summit
Ai Risks