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20 Score
Ai And You: Fcc Slams Robocalls, Google Bids Bard Farewell, Altman's Trillion Dollar Chip Quest image courtesy


  • πŸ“ž FCC has made AI-generated robocall voices illegal.
  • 🏷️ OpenAI and Meta will label AI-created images and video.
  • πŸ’» IDC predicts that more than half of all PCs sold by 2027 will include AI built in.
  • πŸ’° OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is reportedly in talks with investors to raise funds for a tech initiative that would boost the world's chip-building capacity.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made AI-generated robocall voices illegal, aiming to use AI to prevent such calls. The Biden administration has completed actions from an executive order on AI, including creating an AI Safety Institute and requiring AI developers to share safety test results. Silicon Valley companies have begun to build watermarking standards for their content. OpenAI and Meta will label AI-created images and video. OpenAI will add a watermark to images created with ChatGPT and Dall-E, but acknowledges that these can be easily removed. Meta is working on making it more difficult to remove or alter invisible watermarks. A finance worker in Hong Kong was tricked into paying out about $25.6 million to fraudsters using deepfake technology. Google has renamed its gen AI tools Gemini. IDC predicts that more than half of all PCs sold by 2027 will include AI built in. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is reportedly in talks with investors to raise funds for a tech initiative that would boost the world's chip-building capacity and cost several trillion dollars.

starlaneai's full analysis

The developments discussed in the article could have significant impacts on the AI industry. The move by the FCC to make AI-generated robocall voices illegal could set a precedent for other regulatory bodies, potentially leading to stricter regulations on the use of AI in communication technologies. The development of watermarking standards and the labeling of AI-created content could increase transparency and trust in AI technologies, but the ease of removing these watermarks could pose challenges. The reported plans by Sam Altman to boost chip-building capacity could significantly increase the availability of chips for AI development, but the high cost of this initiative could be a barrier. Overall, these developments highlight the ongoing evolution of the AI industry and the need for continued research, collaboration, and regulation.

* All content on this page may be partially written by a clever AI so always double check facts, ratings and conclusions. Any opinions expressed in this analysis do not reflect the opinions of the team unless specifically stated as such.

starlaneai's Ratings & Analysis

Technical Advancement

60 The article discusses several advancements in AI technology, including the use of AI to prevent illegal robocalls and the development of watermarking standards for AI-created content.

Adoption Potential

40 The potential for adoption of the technologies discussed in the article is moderate, with challenges such as the ease of removing watermarks and the high cost of boosting chip-building capacity.

Public Impact

70 The public impact of the technologies discussed is high, with potential benefits including the prevention of illegal robocalls and the labeling of AI-created content.


50 The novelty of the technologies discussed is moderate, with many of the concepts, such as AI-generated robocalls and deepfake technology, having been discussed previously in the AI industry.

Article Accessibility

30 The accessibility of the information in the article is relatively low, with many complex concepts and technical terms used.

Global Impact

50 The global impact of the technologies discussed is moderate, with potential benefits and challenges on a global scale.

Ethical Consideration

70 The article discusses several ethical considerations related to AI, including the misuse of AI-generated robocalls and deepfake technology.

Collaboration Potential

60 The potential for collaboration in the AI industry is high, with several companies and organizations mentioned as working together on various initiatives.

Ripple Effect

40 The potential ripple effect of the technologies discussed is moderate, with potential impacts on various industries and sectors.

Investment Landscape

80 The potential impact on the AI investment landscape is high, with the discussion of a multi-trillion dollar tech initiative to boost chip-building capacity.

Job Roles Likely To Be Most Interested

Ai Developer
Ai Researcher
Ai Ethicist
Ai Policy Maker

Article Word Cloud

Meta Platforms
Executive Order (United States)
Joe Biden
Federal Communications Commission
Artificial Intelligence
New Hampshire
James Buchanan
Nick Clegg
Confidence Trick
Social Media
Personal Computer
White House
European Union
Hong Kong
Presidency Of Joe Biden
Google Assistant
State Attorney General
United States Department Of Commerce
Silicon Valley
United States
Adobe Inc.
International Data Group
The Wall Street Journal
Sam Altman
Mckinsey & Company
Larry Ellison
Oracle Corporation
Marvel Comics
Harvard University
United Arab Emirates
Watermarking Standards
Deepfake Technology
Ai-Generated Robocalls
Chip-Building Capacity
Jessica Rosenworcel
Ai Safety Institute
Ai For America
Ben Buchanan
Ai Act