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22 Score
Openai Is Making Chatgpt Accessible Without An Account For The First Time image courtesy


  • πŸ“± OpenAI has made ChatGPT accessible without an account.
  • 🌍 Over 100 million people from 185 countries use ChatGPT every week.
  • πŸ”’ OpenAI has added additional content safeguards for this new way of using ChatGPT.
  • 🚫 Users accessing the app without an account will not have the ability to save and review their chat history, share chats, or access additional features.


OpenAI, the creators of AI chatbot ChatGPT, have made the tool accessible without needing an account. This move is aimed at making AI more accessible to people without the need for sign up. The data from OpenAI shows that ChatGPT is used by over 100 million people from 185 countries every week. The tool, which allows users to create content from simple text prompts, has led to the creation of similar chatbots by big companies like Google, Microsoft, and Meta. OpenAI has also added additional content safeguards for this new way of using ChatGPT, including blocking prompts and generations in a wider range of categories. However, users accessing the app without an account will not have the ability to save and review their chat history, share chats, or access additional features such as voice conversations or customising their experience.

starlaneai's full analysis

The move by OpenAI to make ChatGPT accessible without an account is a significant step towards making AI more accessible to the general public. This could potentially lead to an increase in the number of people using AI tools, which could in turn drive further innovation and investment in the field. However, the inability to save and review chat history or access additional features without an account may limit its usefulness for some users, and could potentially impact its adoption rate. It will be interesting to see how this move influences the strategies of other tech giants in the AI chatbot space.

* All content on this page may be partially written by a clever AI so always double check facts, ratings and conclusions. Any opinions expressed in this analysis do not reflect the opinions of the team unless specifically stated as such.

starlaneai's Ratings & Analysis

Technical Advancement

70 The technical advancement of ChatGPT is significant, as it has set a trend for generative AI products. However, the move to make it accessible without an account does not represent a technical leap, but rather an accessibility improvement.

Adoption Potential

85 The adoption potential is high. The removal of the account requirement lowers the barrier to entry, making it easier for people to start using the tool.

Public Impact

75 The public impact is significant, as the tool is used by millions of people worldwide. However, the inability to save and review chat history or access additional features without an account may limit its usefulness for some users.


45 While ChatGPT itself was a novel product at its launch, the move to make it accessible without an account is not a novel concept in the tech industry.

Article Accessibility

80 The accessibility of ChatGPT is greatly improved by removing the need for an account, making it easier for people to start using the tool.

Global Impact

75 The global impact is significant, with users from 185 countries. The removal of the account requirement could potentially increase its global user base.

Ethical Consideration

60 OpenAI has taken ethical considerations into account by adding additional content safeguards for the new way of using ChatGPT.

Collaboration Potential

50 The collaboration potential is moderate. While the tool itself is not designed for collaborative work, its widespread use could lead to collaborative efforts in the AI community to improve and build upon it.

Ripple Effect

70 The ripple effect is high. The success of ChatGPT has already led to other tech giants creating their own AI chatbots.

Investment Landscape

60 The AI investment landscape could be affected by this move, as it could lead to increased interest and investment in AI chatbots and similar tools.

Job Roles Likely To Be Most Interested

Content Creators
Ai Researchers
Data Scientists
Ai Engineers

Article Word Cloud

Artificial Intelligence
Generative Artificial Intelligence
Meta Platforms
Mobile App
Ai Chatbot
Ai Accessibility
Content Generation